Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What Can I Do?

For those who have been following my blog and have asked yourself this question the answer is simple. Just reach out to your neighbors and see where you and they have a common cause while learning each other’s skills and assets. For those in the Newport, Maine area who would like to work with me on this I would like to meet with you and your neighbors.I can be reached at tedbessey@pathwaycrc.org, or you can leave a message at (207)368-9977 Ext. 5. Some ways that we can all get to know our neighbors better is to invite some of them over for a cookout or back yard ball game. Whatever you think they will be interested in. You can start with one neighbor and ask them over for coffee or dinner. I think that even in the state of Maine where neighbors sometimes try to be independent and self sufficient we all need other people to help us and are just too proud to ask.We are all stronger and more empowered while working together trying to reach acommon goal.