Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Is Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)?

• Before I begin to answer that question I have a few questions I would like for you to think about.
• How long have you been in Newport?
• What do you like about your neighborhood?
• If you had a magic wand and could have whatever you want, what would you change in your neighborhood?
• What skills do you have that you can use to help bring this change about?
• If others had a similar vision would you be willing to work with them to make the changes?

Traditional service to the community relied on finding out what was needed in the community and trying to fulfill that need. An example of this is to go into a neighborhood and finding that the youth need something to do for recreation. From there you would go and raise money to build a community center. The problem with this is that the youth may not want to utilize the community center as they have no ownership of the project and feel that there are too many rules.
With ABCD you go into the community, preferably as someone who lives there and has an interest in making a difference. You would then talk to the youth and find out the answers to the above questions. After you find these answers you would research what needs to be done to fulfill the vision and work with the youth to come up with a plan to bring it about. This not only gives them ownership of the project, but it also empowers them as they realize that they have skills that they can use to make a difference in their own lives and in the community as a whole.
To further explain ABCD we have to realize that today’s programs have a tendency to label people we perceive as being in need. We label people as disabled, poor, welfare recipient, etc. What we have to remember is that every person that society has labeled has skills that they can use to make a difference in their own lives. ABCD finds these skills and brings them out. We are promoting “Community” which is a group of individuals working together for the common good.
ABCD addresses the needs of the community by looking at the skills and working together “WITH” our neighbors to make positive changes. It doesn’t ignore the needs, but addresses the reasons for the needs and helps eliminate those reasons. This makes social and economic changes for the better and everyone benefits, not just those we perceive as being in need.
Pathway Community Church through the Pathway Community Development Team would like to partner with the town of Newport, businesses, churches, associations, and institutions in the region to develop community.
The Pathway Community Church is currently involved in the Community Connection Asset Mapping Process to track the skills and assets in the community and use this information to work with our partners to plan initiatives of change. For more information contact Ted Bessey:, Ph: 207-368-9977

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