Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Real Beginning

Good morning everyone. This is the real beginning of our journey together. As you read this Blog please feel free to discuss it with any one you feel would be interested in working with us on this project. If they feel like it is something worth working on please ask if it is OK to pass their email address to me. I will then add them to the permissions list.
This is a nation with a feeling of entitlement. To fulfill our goal of making this a better community we not only have to work together on our current community service projects, but we also need to work together to find the source of all of the social, economic, and educational issues. To do this the Churches, Schools, Small Business Associations, and our local governments need to get together and research these issues. I believe that everyone, including the Veterans organizations have something to offer in this respect. We will need to find the right people within these organizations to help coordinate our efforts so that we are not working against each other or duplicating efforts. This is a small portion of what I feel is needed to make this community self sufficient in the event of a breakdown in either the global economy, or our central government. I believe that if we Start in our local economy we can work our way out to neighboring communities and eventually out into the rest of the state. Have a good day.

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