Saturday, July 12, 2008

Asset Mapping as a Tool

It has been a while since my last post so I decided to try to organize my thoughts on the whole process. I have started working with Pathway Community Church in Newport on the Genesis Project which they are sponsoring. The Genesis Project is doing a Community Asset Map of the town and we will be working on some of the things that I have been writing about. We handed out a survey to collect information on individual gifts that people are willing to use to better the community. We will then compile the information and use the information along with information from further surveys to develop a plan to use our assets.
I was thinking that along with what the Genesis project is doing there needs to be a broader base Asset Map performed to map the following.
A. What social organizations are in the area, and what services are they already providing.
Ex. Churches, Veteran Groups, etc.
B. What businesses are in the area, and how they plan to work towards a better local economy.
1. What products are being provided?
2. What economic service do they provide?
3. Are they willing to start an apprenticeship program?
C. What Educational Assets do we have, both for our children and for adults?
D. What are the municipal assets and is it possible for citizens to supplement in a crisis?
1. Police, Fire, Communications, etc.
E. What are our food supply assets, and distribution methods?
F. What are the medical assets, and is there a plan for emergencies in the event that the community is cut out of the State and National web.
After collecting the information and generating our Asset Map we need to organize all of our assets and work together and not independent from each other to make the town, county, and state more independent from the world economic and social web. We do not want to isolate ourselves, just be prepared in the event that the current syst

1 comment:

Thia's Journey said...

Hello Ted...thank you for the invite.

Your blog is right on target and I am blessed to be included in the process.

May GOD bless you and yours always,