Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Genesis Project

The following is a rough draft of the beginning of a presentation of the Genesis Project. Your input is welcome. As you may notice, I have incorporated information from my last blog.

What is the Genesis Project?

The Genesis Project is a Christian organization that is striving to follow in Jesus Christ’s footsteps by going out into the community to not only see the needs of those around us, but to also try and lessen those needs. We are striving to demonstrate the love of Christ in both words and deeds.

(Matthew 4:23) And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Our Vision-

To mobilize the people, churches, community & civic organizations of the Newport region to transform their community through mercy, development and justice.
How are we going to fulfill this vision?
By partnering with these same people and organizations to find what skills and assets are in the community and develop a plan to organize what we have already going for us into a cohesive community development plan.

What are we looking for?

A. What social organizations are in the area, and what services are they already providing.
Ex. Churches, Veteran Groups, etc.

B. What businesses are in the area, and how they plan to work towards a better local economy.

1. What products are being provided?
2. What economic service do they provide?
3. Are they willing to start an apprenticeship program?
C. What Educational Assets do we have, both for our children and for adults?
D. What are the municipal assets and is it possible for citizens to supplement in a crisis?
1. Police, Fire, Communications, etc.
E. What are our food supply assets, and distribution methods?
F. What are the medical assets, and is there a plan for emergencies in the event that the community is cut out of the State and National web.
G. Individuals who have skills and want to use these skills to build a better community.

The Genesis Project is more than a data collection and storage project. We were formed from one mothers need to provide something for her teenagers to do to keep them out of trouble, and her pastor’s desire to fulfill Jesus’ command to love God, love your neighbors and go out and make disciples. The Genesis project is Pathway Community Church’s answer to the command to love your neighbors. One of our short term goals is to develop an after school program for families who need it.

1 comment:

Thia's Journey said...

Sorry I didn't get back to leave a message sooner but...this all looks GREAT Ted!! Thanks for all your hard work here.

Now, if you could only remember that work you thought needed to be changed...

Peace through HIM,